Micrococcal nuclease is an endo-exonuclease that preferentially digests single-stranded nucleic acids. The rate of cleavage is 30 times greater at the 5' ...
Thermo Scientific Micrococcal Nuclease (MNase) is suitable for removing nucleic acids from cell lysates, releasing chromatin-bound proteins and shearing ...
Micrococcal Nuclease is an enzyme used in MNase-seq to digest chromatin, degrading linker DNA and yielding mainly mono-nucleosomes, while leaving regions ...
Micrococcal nuclease catalyzes cleavage of both DNA and RNA to yield 3'-nucleotides. It exhibits exo- and endo-5'-phosphodiesterase activities. The enzyme ...
Nuclease from Staphylococcus aureus has been used in a study to assess coagulase and heat-resistant strains found in animals. [1] It has also been used in a ...